Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ohh Rainy Day

Today's forecast is none other than rainy, foggy, and chilly in the desert. Since I live in the desert, I actually like a little rain... We only get about 10 solid days of rain here!! Of those 10 days, us girls still need some style, right?!

So on to my favorite go-to rainy day looks:

I actually have these exact Burberry boots and LOVE them! The fit so well, and a far from "bulky".
 On a side note: This little cutie came to work with me today. My version of "Bring Your Daughter To Work Day".

Have a great Tuesday!!


Unknown said...

Your sweet baby is So adorable! I have a Maltese also. She celebrated her 6 month birthday yesterday! Stopping by from the GFC blog hop

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing I've been looking for something just like this.
burun estetigi

A. Catherine said...

A rainy day is worth getting to wear those cute boots!